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Unbound: The Cursed Trilogy Book One Page 2
Unbound: The Cursed Trilogy Book One Read online
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“I’ll spare you the boring details of my work and personal life.”
“Without those boring details, what will we talk about while I’m your tour guide for the next two weeks?”
“How about your dating life?”
“Ha,” I snicker. “It’s been a disaster lately. I do my own thing and figure when I least expect it, I’ll meet someone I enjoy spending time with.”
“I can imagine a lot of men would like to spend time with you. You’re beautiful, unique, and talented.”
Side-eyeing him, I fight back the smile attempting to swell my cheeks.
“Those are a lot of flattering words, Griffin Hughes.”
Griffin’s chin points my direction as he narrows his lids.
“And I mean every one of them.”
During the rest of the walk, I’m silent as butterflies flitter around in my belly. I barely know this man, yet he’s stirring a lot of intense feelings in a short amount of time. Maybe being his tour guide isn’t a good idea when I know he’ll be leaving in two weeks and I’ll probably be sad about it.
We reach the entrance door and Griffin holds it open for me. Entering, I give the host my reservation name and she leads us to our table on the second-floor loft. We’re seated next to the railing where we can see most of the activity on the first floor. The restaurant is new and has the modern design of younger interior designers, yet it still has the Italian feel with white linens, dark wood furniture, and dim lights.
“Would you like a bottle of wine? It’ll be my treat to celebrate tonight’s accomplishments.”
“Sure, why not?” I smile.
“Red or white?”
“Let’s go with red tonight.”
“Done.” Placing the drink menu aside, he admires me a moment before we’re interrupted. The waitress fills our glasses with fresh water and asks what we would like to drink.
“A bottle of your finest red.”
“Right away, sir. Would you like an appetizer to enjoy?”
“The bruschetta, please,” I answer.
“Anything else?”
“No, that’ll do,” Griffin replies.
“Do you know what you would like to order, or do you need a minute or two?”
We eye each other and nod, letting the other know we’re ready before giving our orders. The waitress leaves with our menus, and Griffin’s attention returns to me.
“Have you done much traveling?”
“I have. I love to travel. When I have a great art show like tonight, I set aside some of the money to travel somewhere I haven’t been before. How about you?”
“I love to travel as well, but my travels are limited, unfortunately.” Sadness seeps out of his voice and gives rise to my curiosity.
“It seems work limits a lot of things for you, such as dating and travel.”
“It’s not work that interferes, it’s something more complex.”
There’s an air of mystery to Griffin and these vague mentions of complexity in his life. Perhaps while we’re together, I can peel back a few layers and discover why his life is so complicated. My theories consist of him either being a saint who cares for an ill parent, or he’s an asshole with a wife and children, hiding them so he can seduce other women while traveling for business. With that thought, I remember why I have the rule of no one-night stands. Admiring his angelic face and oceanic eyes, I really hope it’s the former of the two.
“Do you have any siblings?”
His question snaps me out of my thoughts.
“No, I’m an only child, but I have a cousin, Rachel, who I grew up with. She’s like a sister to me. How about you? Any siblings?”
“No, only child as well.”
Now I know the complications don’t involve siblings.
“How about pets?”
Lifting my glass of wine, the waitress brought and poured, I sit back in my chair, studying him before taking a sip of the flavorful liquid.
“I feel like I’m being interviewed.”
Griffin lifts his glass and chuckles.
“I’m sorry, I haven’t been on a proper date in a while. I’m trying my best to get to know you since we’ll be spending some time together.”
The tightness in my shoulders eases, and I take another drink before setting the glass down.
“All right. I don’t have any pets. I’d like to, but my landlord doesn’t allow pets.” I motion my hand in the air toward him. “How about you? Any pets, or are things too complicated to have pets?”
“I have four friends who are like pets. Does that count?”
A joke… Griffin made a joke. So, the man has a sense of humor, thankfully.
With my lips tilted, I reach for my wine glass. Griffin opens his mouth to ask me another question, but he’s interrupted by the delivery of our appetizer. The plate is set between us, and Griffin kindly gestures for me to gather what I want first, then fills his plate. Our chatter continues back and forth until our meals are served. When the check comes, I start to tell the waitress our meals are separate, but Griffin waves his hand and scoops up the little black folder.
“You don’t have to do that.”
“I’m happy to. Your company this evening has been wonderful, and we’re here to celebrate, right?” A dimple forms as he smiles, and those butterflies from earlier flutter around.
This man breathes charm and emanates kindness. I hope it’s not a façade to cover up that he’s a serial killer or cheater. My heart would be crushed.
Walking out, he places his warm hand at the small of my back. Familiar heat and tingling disperse across my skin, igniting goosebumps across my flesh. I’ll have to say goodbye to him soon, and I’m already agonizing over it.
We walk back toward 369 Studio Gallery, seemingly lost in our thoughts.
“I have a few ideas for tomorrow.”
He perks up. “I’d love to hear them.”
“Depending on your preference, I can book a tour for the catacombs by candlelight, the Statue of Liberty, or a carriage ride through Central Park.”
“I’d like to do all of them… with you.”
My lips curve upward. “All right, I’ll get them booked. I can text you the tour dates and times. Will you be free during the day while here?”
“I can be.”
I pull out my phone, and he does the same. We exchange numbers, then settle into a casual walk the rest of the way back to the art studio. Most of the lights are out, with only a couple of the staff left inside. Standing outside, I face him, a frown tugging at my lips.
“I’m going to call a cab from here after I ensure all the art has been taken care of. Thank you for tonight.”
Griffin brings his hand forward, taking mine. I’m surprised when he lifts my hand to his lips, my stomach fluttering at the simple kiss.
“I’m sorry, Selene.”
My brows pinch inward at the strange usage of words and guilt in his voice.
“For wha—”
A puff of green powder blurs my vision, the movement of his hand barely noticed before the mystery powder shrouds my view. I take a step away from him, panic seizing my chest as I cough. My eyes can’t make out any shapes or colors. Darkness creeps into my lids as a haze of confusion makes it difficult to concentrate. Flailing my arms, I try to find something solid to grab onto, anything to make sense of what is happening, dizziness challenging my every step. Strong hands take hold of my hips as I fall deeper into delirium. Heated breath feathers my ear, and my body freezes.
“Don’t worry, Selene. I won’t let anything happen to you. I promise.”
Throbbing pain pulses in my head as my lids open to blurry surroundings. My palm lifts to my forehead, applying pressure in hopes of easing the throbbing. With a grimace, I blink my eyes several times until something comes into focus. I’m lying on a soft mattress with a white down comforter. The bed frame is a cream, four-poster bed with a matchin
g nightstand. The room is painted a pale yellow with one of my paintings directly in front of me on the large wall. Right away, panic tightens every muscle in my body. I’m not in my bedroom. I’m not in my home.
Broken pieces of memory remind me I was saying goodbye to Griffin, then the bastard drugged me. Lifting the comforter, I discover I’ve been put in a fresh t-shirt and shorts. My t-shirt and shorts. The fucker was in my house, in my things. He must’ve used my driver’s license to figure out where I live. Anger roils in my chest and heats my cheeks. With my thoughts clearer, I take a moment to check my body. There’s no pain between my legs, so at least I haven’t been assaulted… yet. Who knows what this psychopath has planned? I’m such an idiot for letting my guard down. He was baiting me the whole time for whatever sick torment he has planned.
Carefully, I move off the bed and look around the room. There isn’t much, just the bed, nightstand, and painting. On the left wall are two large windows, but thick turquoise curtains shield my view of what’s outside. On the right is the door, which I’m sure I’ll find locked. To the right of the painting is a second door, which is open to a bathroom. To the left of the painting is a third door, also open, and inside I can see a closet. Upon closer examination, I find duffle bags on the floor, dresser drawers on the lower part, and my clothes hanging on the hangers. I open the drawers, and sure enough, more of my clothes are inside. To the left, familiar shoes are on the racks.
What is going on?
When I step out of the closet, I notice a cup of water and a note I missed before on the nightstand. With my teeth clenched, I read the note.
Please drink the water.
It will help with the headache.
It’s just water.
It is not drugged or poisoned.
My dry mouth and dire thirst lead me to lift the cup. Sniffing, I don’t smell anything peculiar. The cup is cool with a couple of melting ice cubes. It wasn’t long ago it was brought into the room. Taking a small sip, I wait for a reaction. When nothing happens, I gulp the whole glass, quenching my awful thirst.
The door opens, and I nearly choke on my last swallow. Slamming the glass on the nightstand, I stomp toward Griffin, who’s shut the door behind him, probably locking it.
“Where am I? Why did you abduct me?”
Griffin puts his hands up.
“I am not here to hurt you, Selene.”
“That’s bullshit. People don’t abduct people without sick intentions. Are you going to sell me into sex trafficking? I won’t let that shit happen. I would rather die than let that happen.”
Griffin keeps his distance, his expression sympathetic, not cruel, which is confusing.
“No! I’m not selling you into sex trafficking. That’s not what this is about.”
“Then why did you bring me here? And where the hell am I?” My screaming echoes off the walls, and I wonder if there is anyone else here to hear me, or if whoever is outside the door is worse than Griffin. Tears pool in my eyes, but I refuse to cry. I’ll figure out what’s going on here. I’ll figure out a way home.
“I need your help. We all need your help.”
“What?” My whole face scrunches in confusion.
Griffin puts his messy blonde locks behind his ears—ears that are pointy like the elves and fairies in my paintings. Staring at them, I’m afraid to say anything. Are the ears why he can’t get a girlfriend? Is he sensitive about them? Or are they fake, and it’s all part of some weird charade? I don’t know what to think, but they sure do look real. It’s some hella-good work if they’re fake.
“Are you going to say anything?”
“I don’t know what to say.”
“They’re real if you’re wondering.”
“Okay. Pointy ears aren’t a bad thing.” Hell, they even make him look more attractive—in a fantasy boyfriend kind of way—but I’m not about to tell him that. Not this creep who’s drugged me and taken me against my will.
“I’m not human, Selene.”
All right, here we go. They’re fake, and he’s playing into some fucked-up fantasy and wants me to be a part of it. Fine, I’ll play along. It’s better than unleashing whatever horrible side of him I haven’t seen yet.
“Okay, then what are you?”
“I’m Fae.”
Flipping my hand through my hair, I take a breath.
“Okay, what does you being Fae and having pointy ears have to do with me?”
“You’re the key to unlocking our curse.”
Jesus, this guy is nuts, and I didn’t miss the word we. At dinner, he said he has four friends. That means there are five of them who want to play real-life Dungeons and Dragons.
Taking a step back, I sit down on the edge of the bed and brace myself for whatever is going to come next.
“Listen, Griffin, obviously, you and your friends thought it would be fun to abduct someone and force them into this game, but this is my life. You don’t have a right to keep me here. I don’t want to be here. I don’t want to play whatever game this is.”
“This isn’t a game.”
He sounds serious and isn’t budging from character. My face falls into my hands, and I rub up and down. Please be a group of harmless rich nerds and not sick freaks into sexual role-playing.
“Can we come back to how I’m going to help break the curse? I’d like to know where I am, and I feel like I haven’t eaten in days.”
Griffin points to the curtains. “Take a look.” He stands there with a smug look, like what I’m about to see will surprise me. This seems dramatic. I’m probably in a hotel room or the guest room of one of these rich boys’ houses.
Pulling the curtain back reveals lush greenery and trees near to the window and beyond that, a sparkling sandy beach with an ocean matching the color of Griffin’s gorgeous eyes.
“Where are we?”
“A private island.”
Shit, that means it’s only airplane or boat to get out of here.
“Whose private island?”
“My people.”
Here we go again.
“Fae island, huh?”
“It’s called Mordeeves Island.”
“So, we’re on Maldives Island?”
“That’s the island known to man. You’re on the island not known to man.”
Griffin’s voice is eerily close. Glancing over my shoulder, I jump. He’s right there, right fucking there next to me. I didn’t hear him take a step. I need to be more cautious of this creep.
Yanking the curtain all the way open, I put space between us.
“Right. So, this isn’t a fancy resort, and outside of this resort, there won’t be any humans?”
I point around the room. “This looks a lot like a resort hotel room.”
“I do like luxuries. I’m not an animal.”
“What happened to the charming, kind Griffin I met? Why are you doing this to me?”
“I didn’t choose you. Fate did.”
Storming past him, I walk to the bathroom.
“I can’t play this game with you.”
Swinging the door all the way open reveals all my products and makeup. At least he had the decency to pack the important things. Turning on the silver faucet, I splash water on my face and look in the mirror at my tired eyes. Griffin’s tall, radiant figure fills the threshold behind me. It’s eerie how freakishly quiet he is.
“Can I please get something to eat? Do they have room service here?”
“They don’t, it’s not a resort, but yes, I’ll get you something to eat.” He turns to leave, then stops. “Please don’t try to go out the windows. They don’t open. Don’t try to leave. I don’t want you to get hurt.”
Get hurt? What the hell? I grimace in the mirror at him.
“Whatever. Food, please.”
As soon as he’s gone, I go in search of my phone, checking every drawer, under the mattress, in my clothes. Of course, it’s gone. Right now, Griffin is my only ticket to getti
ng out of this place, so I’ll try to play this game in hopes he’ll let me leave.
When he returns, I’m leaning against the window, looking out at the beautiful ocean. It looks like paradise, yet I’m stuck in this room in some sort of hell.
Griffin brings in a tray with food that looks incredible—chicken breast with creamy risotto, a bowl of assorted fruits, and crème brûlée for dessert.
“I knew you liked Italian.”
The aroma of the food has my mouth salivating. So, he’s not a total heathen. He remembered what I liked and is trying to accommodate me. Maybe this can be a super weird vacation.
Griffin sets the tray on the bed, and I slide onto the mattress, my eyes locked on the delicious smelling food. I pick up a fork and hold it above the risotto.
“You didn’t mess with it, did you?”
Griffin laughs, that light, airy sound I believe is genuine. “No, you seriously don’t know how valuable you are. I wouldn’t poison or drug your food.”
“Am I the valuable thing you came to New York to acquire?”
Griffin sits on the bed but keeps a comfortable distance.
“Yes,” he replies matter-of-factly.
“Why me? Did you pick me out of a crowd? Did you and your friends pick out the characteristics of a woman in advance of your trip?”
“No, we had no idea what you looked like until I saw you in a vision. When I saw you in person at the coffee shop, you took my breath away.”
Griffin is staring at me with unusual intensity. I’m not sure if I should be scared or flattered.
“How did you find me?”
“Cyrus did a tracking spell.”
“So, we’re back to this again?” Griffin lifts a brow as though I’m the crazy one. “Okay, sure, your friend Cyrus did a tracking spell. Now that I’m here, what am I supposed to do?”
“We need to work on bringing out your inner magic.”
I slap the bed. “Of course! Why didn’t I think of that?”
Griffin seems unaffected by my sarcasm.
“You laugh now.”
“And if I don’t have any magic in me, are you going to send me back to New York and track your next magic girl?”